
5G commercial licence issued how wisdom light pole screen and with a pie?

2019-07-13 1209TIMES BACK

Miit 6 formally to China telecom, China mobile, China unicom, China radio, film and television issuing 5 g licences for commercial use. China formally entered the 5 g of the first year of commercial. 5 g means many new distribution of dense small base station. Therefore, it is hard to ignore the wisdom of the closely related to 5 g light pole. Wisdom light pole as containing charging pile, video monitoring, environmental monitoring, the LED light pole screen, and other information module of a new generation of city infrastructure, not only shoulder the wisdom breakthrough for the development of urban construction, will also become the important link of the construction of the 5 g base stations in the future. According to the forecast, based on 5 g base station installation, or will be able to drive the wisdom of 151.2 billion light pole market; In this huge bonuses, our LED lighting panel enterprise whether can the pie?



Built new ecological wisdom light pole plate with 5G

5G era, as the Internet, networking, industrial applications, such as the Internet, for industry, logistics, transportation, energy and other industries, means not some new opportunities, and help enterprises realize the digital transformation. Is not only the network construction, on the application of innovation, the parties involved have begun actively layout, build new ecological 5 g. Since this year, from the remote medical treatment, remote education to the police station, hotel, wisdom traffic, wisdom from unmanned to VR live interaction, AR, have sprung up around 5 g application scene, show explosive growth, people have seen the future 5 g bring disruptive changes in daily life.


Is closely related to our LED display industry is the wisdom of the traffic construction, light pole screen as wisdom derived from the traffic of the new product, is worthy of an important carrier. From the moment the wisdom of the success of the light pole plate can be seen in the case, there will be countless future light pole will be mounted 5 g base stations, at the same time, the wisdom light pole screen will also bear the indispensable public information service function, into the important infrastructure of city, wisdom and 5 g, wisdom, light pole, and other enterprises to share the "big cake". Have to say, the wisdom light pole plate + base station is the irreversible development new trend.

Attack to the traditional outdoor advertising screen

Due to the popularity of LED large screen in the outdoor advertising media, high-quality screen installation positions of outdoor advertising is becoming scarce resources; Combined with the LED large screen unfavorable factors such as light pollution caused by the negative effects on the urban management; LED large screen outdoor installation position of the approval process is becoming more and more complex and difficult... Under a variety of factors prompted, outdoor media advertising screen highlights gradually, of restricting the development of the small area of the outdoor light pole screen needs wisdom gradually emerges.


As a new era in the outdoor media darling, new wisdom light pole screen with true vivid visual experience, high brightness, the advantages of the intelligent response, real-time transmission, outdoor advertising, intelligent transportation, and other important information carrier. In content interaction before the convenience, the content of the huge consumer demand of LED lighting panel is strong to the traditional outdoor advertising market "offensive" signal, from the content display, data acquisition, feature interactions, etc., grab the attention of consumer, meet the needs more content, create greater value.

Screen companies have cut into the intelligent traffic ecosystem

In fact, as looking forward to 5 g calls for more and more high, the wisdom light pole screen to promote more and more become intelligent pursuit, interaction and the process of informatization, science and technology, and wisdom light pole screen has gradually replaced the original traditional way of information release became mainstream wisdom of the era of information dissemination. Thanks to this, many LED lighting panel manufacturer, has opted to use unique innovation Angle of view and accurate positioning of the market, the wisdom light pole screen as the breakthrough point, further integrated into the intelligent transportation construction of ecosystem. The quickening pace of urban construction and intelligent street lamp layout, just need to constantly strengthen intelligent street lamp application scenario, the wisdom light pole screen market growth will also go climbing, with "small" light pole screen (wisdom) Po "big" (the entire domestic market) may also will become a trend of the LED display market.


For LED lighting panel manufacturer, is one of the more welcome asymmetric situation, this is a good time is a bad time. Current development status in the field of wisdom light pole screen more belong to the "forest", the "wasteland" big enough, but the uncertainty is also big, therefore screen enterprise in the process, in addition to the change of the market, to develop more products that have competitive edge, refining, perfect, can be in the moment the big trend of monkey in the enclosure, uncovered a carnival of wisdom. At the same time, in 5 g small stations dense network of demand and the wisdom of the light pole carry advantages under the drive of the expansion of space, the screen to make production intelligence system of supply chain enterprises, the development system and marketing system to comprehensively, can be true in the age of 5 g and demand, occupy the advantageous position.

In 5 g commercial layout step faster as the first year of 5 g, wisdom light pole screen combined with the depth of the urban construction, for "wisdom city" to achieve the required information transmission provides a communication carrier, street light and wisdom beyond the traditional outdoor advertising screen, occupy a place in the field of outdoor advertising, and therefore attract the many enterprises into the bureau, the wisdom light pole screen as one piece of "cake", become the target of competition, in which how to stand out, however, requires a panel companies in product innovation, constantly looking for a market focus, value-added, innovative and diversified development, dig into available elements, which at the time of 5 g commercial full-blown and.

Source: automobil LED screen mesh

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